Persian Gulf
پنجشنبه 12 آذرماه سال 1383 18:09
You know it's called Persian Gulf , don't you? Well, any sensible man does, anyway.
My dear Arg-e Bam
جمعه 5 دیماه سال 1382 21:15
God bless your soul, my fellow iranians who lost your life in the recent earthquake. You don't worry, my dear.Tears in our eyes, we re-build you soon.Very soon.
Our dear Tony
پنجشنبه 10 مهرماه سال 1382 21:33
Our dear Tony like to emphasize in every speech now, he is not American's little poodle. The problem is, the more he insists on that, the people less believe him and perhaps he has lost public trust for ever. Once you can't justify your involvment in every mess Americans have a hand in, how come you want peolpe...
A man for all the seasons
یکشنبه 29 تیرماه سال 1382 16:17
It is the fourth year now since we have lost our evergreen poet, Ahmad Shamlu . He had a great influence on generations of intellectuals and public alike over the years.Considering his poetry heritage, he reached the summit and managed to live on the summit for more than forty years which is a great achievement.It is...
Still behind the bars
یکشنبه 29 تیرماه سال 1382 15:33
Although the Persianblog.com has been unblocked now, it is said that the Blogspot is still unavailable via the most of the ISP's in Iran,my own Persian weblog included.Sadly to say,it seems it's true,reviewing my weblog counter.Being optimistic, let's hope this is also a temporary measure and Blogspot will be...
Blocking the Blogsphere in Iran
یکشنبه 22 تیرماه سال 1382 19:58
Free Our Weblogs '> Free Our Weblogs Blocking the whole blogsphere is not going to work,in my opinion.Simply because, each one of us reviews some of the famous weblogs daily,depends on our field of interest.Now,by blocking Persianblog and Blogspot, the active bloggers can easily use Bloglet system and e-mail their new...
Without Laleh and Ladan
سهشنبه 17 تیرماه سال 1382 22:11
Another sad day for us without Laleh and Ladan .(Conjoined Iranian twins)Although they knew and accepted the risks involving the operation separating them and many were expecting this would happen, still it hurts badly from deep inside.Let alone the final outcome, they went through an unbelievebly difficult life.They...
Takht-e Soleyman
یکشنبه 15 تیرماه سال 1382 19:56
Takht-e Soleyman historical campus has been registered as a world heritage by UNESCO.It's been located near a small city called Tekab in Azarbayejan province in Iran.Here you can see a beautiful image of it.
New Blogger
یکشنبه 8 تیرماه سال 1382 18:52
My Persion blog has been transferred to the new version of Blogger and the situation right now is kind of mishmash.Simply I can't write from right to left in this new version.I don't know about other Persian weblogs in blogger, but I have reported the problem to control panel and I hope it's a temprory prolem due to...
Sorry seems the hardest word
سهشنبه 3 تیرماه سال 1382 22:48
It is a pity to see an opposition group which has been active in political scenes for more than 2 dacades now,getting no sympathy at all. Even set themselves ablaze several times in different cities by their members didn't bring slightest sympathy for Mujahidin,outside or inside the country. Simply because, we don't...
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یکشنبه 1 تیرماه سال 1382 20:43
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شنبه 10 خردادماه سال 1382 00:20
ذراتی پخشم در گستره خواب آبی زمین بازیگوشی روحم در پهنای رویایی بنام زندگی طرف ِ عشقم ٬ دچار امیدم با نگاه تو صدایم از شکست روح من و تو فراز می شود و زخمهای کهنه بی پناهی را وا می رسد دختر دلت در دستان صدایم همیشه جوان می خرامد و آرامش دریاچه قلبت را هجمه هیچ ابر بی هنگامی نمی آشوبد طرف رویایم اگر که بنشینی رنگین کمان...
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یکشنبه 31 فروردینماه سال 1382 01:54
افتتاح (کلنگ زنی) فقط می خواستم بگم که ما اینجا هم یه خونه داریم. چه خونه راحتی هم هست. جون میده برای ما تنبل های HTML ندان. دارم وسوسه میشم یه کله اسباب کشی کنم اینجا. چقدر هم تجهیزات داره حسابی دهاتی خفه کنه. دستتون درد نکنه .