Blocking the whole blogsphere is not going to work,in my opinion.Simply because, each one of us reviews some of the famous weblogs daily,depends on our field of interest.Now,by blocking Persianblog and Blogspot, the active bloggers can easily use Bloglet system and e-mail their new posts to their readers on a daily basis or whenever they post anything new.So,as you can see we will be still able to see our favorite weblogs day by day without any interruption.On the other hand,weblogsphere is not a place for political activity.It is a tool in the hand of this generation to transfer information freely and to broad the ideas and thoughts of the public.This current generation is sick of listening to different radios or activists who their beliefs are next to nothing.This is hightime for us to think loudly,to express our feelings freely and to broad the public awareness as much as we can to vaccinate our country this time.If this blocking continues,we not only protest also break the blocking and transfer the new post by bloglet.